Ritual, Labyrinth, Forest Magic, Sacred Art & Sound,
Healing with the Land and Fire Council.
Private sessions offered all day:
Pilates/Movement Education & Maya Abdominal Massage
Nourish Your Wild Spirit in the beauty of majestic hemlocks, verdant mosses and a gathering of healers honoring women’s wisdom, ritual & community. Summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is a time to celebrate the gifts of the sun and the bounty of Mother Earth as plants take deep root and the growing season is well underway.
This time on Earth, women are returning to the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers. We have returned to rituals celebrating the cycles of the moon and sun, traditional healing techniques , herb craft, and practices that connect us with the land and our beauty. Saturday offers many ways to renew, retreat, and connect with soul-sisters and the Earth in a safe and sacred ritual space. Anneliese, Astrid and Valerianna each bring their own rich and colorful magic to the day, weaving a tapestry of deep healing and celebration of the wild spirit. RavenWood's magical forest is a sweet and gentle place to nurture your wise woman self and Sunday we gather with men and women to celebrate and welcome in summer.
On Saturday, retreat and renew on the land all day: walk the labyrinth, receive a healing session, make something at the art table, meditate in the moss garden, walk in the woods, drum and sing at the forest circle, read a book in the garden or the porch, bring your sketchbook or knitting, sip nourishing herbal teas, meet like-minded women, soak in the healing vibration of the hemlocks and ferns and listen to the singing of the tree frogs and the ancient whispering of the stones.
After dinner, we gather and share stories and women's wisdom at the evening fire council. Bring a story, poem, song, dance, or let one find you in the moment.
Sunday, June 21:
Sunrise Sacred Sound Ritual
Celebration Day- Open to all
- Sing, chant, and dance in summer with crystal bowls, drumming and sacred sound instruments with Valerianna and Joa
- Celebrate and retreat the rest of the day on the land
- Private sessions available with Anneliese and Astrid on Sunday
- Register for either or both days with Valerianna. Pre-registration is preferred, however, if space is available, last minute registration is accepted by phone. Call 413-296-0330, or email: valerianna@verizon.net
- For Private Sessions: Pre-register with individual practitioners to make sure you get a spot, or sign-up on Saturday.
- Pilates/Movement Education with Anneliese: $25-$45 (for weekend) email for more information, rates and to schedule a lesson: anneliese@slashmail.org
- Maya Abdominal Massage with Astrid: $50-$100 sliding scale, email astrid@birthrootmidwife.com or call 360-630-8391

Facilitator bios:
Anneliese Mordhorst is passionate about movement and offering lessons to people of all abilities. She is a trained PilatesInstructor with a rich background in somatic movement methods including Body-Mind Centering ® and Continuum Movement and contact improvisation. Anneliese currently offers private and group lessons in Movement Education and the Pilates method. Lessons are individualized to the needs of the client, focusing on whole body awareness, breath, movement coordination, core strength and exercises addressing areas of chronic discomfort.
Astrid Grove is a community midwife and herbalist whose passion lies in creating sacred space for women, men and children to honor and explore life cycles. She is deeply devoted to health and wellness. In her presence one feels a deep sense of calm, compassion, and wisdom. When working with Astrid, you receive the benefit of her experience and training in polarity therapy, herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, yoga and meditation, reiki, reflexology, holistic midwifery, and The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal MassageTM.
For more information, visit her website at: www.birthrootmidwife.com

- Bring a bagged lunch. Potluck dinner, grill will be available. (Bring your own plates, utensils, mug or travel mug)
- Nourishing women's herbal teas will be offered.
- Sunday there will be a light breakfast offering.
- RavenWood has several indoor spaces in case of heavy rain. Saturday will be offered as a Women's Healing Temple with Sacred Spaces to retreat, be in community and council with others, exchange healing work, meditate, experience Sacred Sound, and create Art. Private sessions will be offered all day with Astrid and Anneliese. Evening council circle will be held in the yurt. Sunday's sunrise ceremony will also be in the yurt.
- Bed and Breakfasts: There are several bed and breakfasts nearby- Inn Nature at www.innnature.com, a bed & breakfast/yoga center. Seven Hearths, and the 1886 House are also just up the road. Check listings for Chesterfield, Worthington and Williamsburg for other options.
- For the rustic wild spirit, tenting is allowed at RavenWood, free of charge for a spot on the forest floor. A short distance away, Indian Hollow Campground is a full-service campground. They require a reservation a few days before.