"Forest Glow", watercolor, 15" x 22", VClaff 2013 |
The turning beech leaves infuse the forest with the most astounding golden
glow. I can hardly contain myself as I wander in the forest, gasping at every turn...
the lines from a song running around inside me as I overflow with joy at the
miraculous color. How can I keep from singing? In the studio, I attempt to capture
something of the color and feeling of this autumnal magnificence.
"Forest Glow 2", watercolor, 15" x 22", VClaff 2013 |
October completes another year of life for me, as yesterday was my 50th birthday,
and also a year since my mother's death on the 16th. As I deepen into myself,
I feel the completion of an intense cycle. A few months after my mother's death,
my work shifted from the expansive ridge top paintings, to the deep mystery of the
forest. The richness of this shift for me is profound, and continues to offer
endless inspiration and possibilities to explore in paint here amongst the trees.
The washes below become the following two paintings.
"Beechwood", watercolor - in process, 15" x 22", VClaff 2013 |
"Beechwood in Autumn", watercolor, 15" x 22", VClaff 2013 |
I continue to explore with small studies,
a process I find extremely useful in developing this work.
"Autumnal Forest", small watercolor, VClaff 2013 |
"Three Trees on a Hummock", small watercolor, VClaff 2013 |
Clearly the colors of the autumn forest have infused my work,
and the rusting beech trees have consumed the house.
(there really IS a house in there)
Mystery is not far from the door...
yesterday I turned and looked out the back door of the studio
to see a tree-spirit peering back at me. Do you see him in the
base of the hemlock tree?
Last but not least, in honor of all that I am grateful for,
I want to give away this very small watercolor.
Please leave a comment if you would like
to win this wee, autumnal painting.
I'll put your name in a bowl, and announce
the winner next Saturday, October 26.
Oh, and you might want to know that RavenWood Forest has a
Facebook page where my updates are slightly more regular.