Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Moonlight and gentle April snow

"Moon Night", pen and ink

Moonlight in the forest when I went to sleep last night, but only briefly in the spaces between clouds. I awoke this morning very early and couldn't get back to sleep. I dozed off here and there opening my eyes just before dawn to see the trees laced with leftover moonlight, so I thought. When the fiery pink eastern sky melted into yellow, I realized that I was looking at branches dusted with snow. Small, gentle flakes were falling.... the hemlocks greeted the almost day with their elegant, sweeping dance. In the garden, the tulips were closed up tight, wrapped in petal-cloaks of purple. Cold as I left the house, enough to want the pair of gloves I had left in the basket behind the door. Such a contrast to the warmth of a few weeks ago, working in the garden with short sleeves and straw hat. 

"Moonlight in the Forest", Scratchbord drawing

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